Tuesday, December 30

Looking Back

I am not one that spends an awful lot of time looking back because I am always looking ahead. Yet, I feel the need to reflect for just a moment of two. Bear with me!

The year 2008 was an interesting one for me for a variety of reasons. Personally I had a good year, but professionally I had an even better one. If I were to take the time to mention everything I was thankful for it would take until next year.

I want to focus on one decision in particular that I made and that was to close the door on The News 2K. It was something that I didn't particularly want to do, but I felt that it had reached a point where I had to make a decision. Coming to Show-Me Opinions has been a wonderful experience for me, although I feel that I haven't been able to contribute as much here yet as I would like to. Combine that with Donna being so swamped with work and you have seen an infrequently updated blog. I promise you that will not be the case in 2009. I have a couple of projects I am already working on so that I can bring the spark back to this blog.

But I need your help, too. Help me get Donna back on the stick and writing again!!! She provides a fresh insight into the news that no one else can give.

Thanks again for your readership of this blog. Finally, before I end this post... I have compiled the top 10 stories that drove traffic to the blog this year. I am including posts from TheNews2K in this list... enjoy!

#10: I'll Think I'll Just Leave... Three Months Early (Show-Me Opinions)

#9: Man Drowns Friday on Lake of the Ozarks (Show-Me Opinions)

#8: MSNBC on MSNBC... A Lot (The News2K)

#7: No More Social Security Checks (Show-Me Opinions)

#6: Table Rock Flooding Update (Show-Me Opinions)

#5: My $.02: Vincent David Jericho = TV Expert? (The News2K)

#4: KRCG's Rod Smith Let Go (The News 2K)

#3: Show Me A Naked... WHAT? (Show-Me Opinions)

#2: Breaking News: Manhattan, KS Hit By A Tornado (The News2K)

#1 *by far*: Twas The Night Before The Primary (The News2K)

1 comment:

DONNA said...

My apologies to our readers as well. As things begin to slow down and I get somewhat organized I hope to be back in full swing. In a few weeks I will be able to share at least a portion of what has been keeping me so busy. Thanks to all who have stayed with us and we hope that you will continue to hang out with us in 2009.