Tuesday, April 22

Meet The Blogger

Meet the Author
Gary Cook
The News 2k

The first thing I noticed about Gary's blog is that there was no personal profile. It appeared that the day he created his blog he was off and running with the latest news. As I read his posts I began to wonder who is this mystery blogger who seems to have a great style of writing? He was gracious enough to answer a few of my questions.

What is your current occupation?

I am a high school social studies teacher as well as a speech and debate coach. This is my first full year teaching, but it is my fourth year as a debate coach.

Why did you decide to create a blog?

I am not really for sure. I guess it grew out of my frustration about finding out about what is happening in local tv news. I always was aware of what was going on with MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN, but you never could find out what was happening locally. My blog started out that way and remains true to that theme for the most part.

What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?


I just hope to provide a home for people who are interested in what is going on behind the scenes of television news. In my blog's relatively short existence, I have already had current and former television personalities tell me that they check in frequently. From covering the big game, the big story, or the big storm, I hope to continue to build upon what I have created and provide more information for my readers in the weeks and months to come. I am not an insider... all the information obtained is grunt work. That makes it a lot of work some days, but it is very rewarding.

What other kinds of blogs do you enjoy reading?

Well, my first stop is always The Turner Report. He is a top notch blogger and he provides great insight into SW Missouri current issues. I also enjoy reading personal blogs (like yours) to find out about the average person and their thoughts about everything. In addition, I am a political junkie. Any political blog is also a must-read for me.

What is your biggest pet-peeve?
That is a tough question. I guess it would have to be people who aren't what they seem. I have encountered far too many people that put on a different "face" depending on who they are around. I pride myself in truly being me... no matter where I am or who I am talking to. I have found that it is better to have one or two people you can truly trust than to have an entire army of so-called friends!
If you could change anything in America what would it be? Why?

Another toughie. Are you sure you aren't a journalist? ;-) I guess my honest answer would be that I wish more people knew Christ and his will. I look around at our society and I think of how much better the world would be if more people truly read and studied their Bible. I am a very compassionate understanding individual and I don't wear my religion as a flashy banner. I feel it is better to show it through how I live, but sometimes wish more people would open their eyes to the truth. I respect people of all faiths. I feel it is important to do that, even if you disagree with them. Yet, I wish I had the ability to enlighten more people to the truth...especially those who are agnostic and apathetic. How is that for a deep answer?

I appreciate Gary taking the time out of his busy day so that we could find out a little more about the man behind "The News 2K. Being a huge supporter of high school speech and debate I can also appreciate the work you do. I look forward to reading more great posts!

Everyone keep checking back for more "Meet The Blogger." Be sure and check your emails the next blogger could be you!

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