Sunday, April 12

The Battle That Never Ends

As the Easter weekend comes to a close and we head back to work tomorrow I already feel tired. Not because I dread being at work, I love my career. I just hate the commute. No, it's really not even that far, it just seems like a battle to get back and forth everyday.

Since I've been commuting I have been attacked by a chainsaw that has come bouncing out of the back of a pickup truck. Sure hope he had enough wood to get him through the winter. A women who decided that the stop sign at the off ramp of the interstate was merely a suggestion. A higher power was involved in that one. A couple in a car coming down a slick hill that couldn't stop at a stop sign. I'm pretty sure that the guy behind me had to change his clothes after he watched me battle my car for at least a half a mile. Once again a higher power. A cat that I truly hope had at least one of his nine lives left.

The last episode was coming around a corner just to find boxes everywhere, big boxes. The road became an obstacle course in matter of seconds. As I dashed around one plasma television box, I had to wonder how anyone could not notice that the whole load of trash they were hauling had suddenly disappeared.

It never fails, every morning at least one person I pass is apparently leaning down to pick up something that they have dropped or they have a far more advance automobile than I have. And at least once a week someone decides that their side of the road does not provide them with enough room and they need some of my side. Trust me when I say I need all of my side. I now take a change of clothes just in case.

I guess the good side to all of this is that I haven't had to fuel up on caffeine before leaving for work. Morning commuters' provide enough adrenaline.

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