Because it is Friday and because there is a lot of political news on the radar, here are a few bits and pieces for you to digest from around the web.
* Monday marks the beginning of the "trial" of Sonia Sotomayor.
CNN has a poll concerning how many people support her nomination. By the way, the cable nets will be covering the nomination hearings ad nauseum.
* Senator John Ensign must have gone to Mark Sanford's school of mistress ethics because a new article has surfaced this morning from
Politico indicating that Mr. Ensign's parents paid his little lady a little money. By little, I mean $96,000. Just chump change for the Senator, I am sure.
* MO 7th Congressional District candidate Billy Long told
KY3's David Catanese he raised $101,700 in the entire second quarter this year. Too bad the article also mentions that Gary Nodler raised approximately $100,000 in about a month. Meanwhile, Jack Goodman is holding off his numbers until July 15 (probably meaning that he hopes everyone will have forgotten the other two's numbers by then). I told you this race was going to be fun.
* Oh, and on this beautiful July Friday, the Associated Press is reporting in the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch that US Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, will be in that city today. He is apparently taking a ride in the arch. Mr. Salazar is likely hoping this will increase his profile among the American public. Secretary of the ... what? Yeah, I thought so.